
Secured Black Market Platform Script For Sale - Test and Buy!

BlueMart Black Market Platform BlueMart is a black market platform coded in a secured environment offering the possibility to host your own market. We can add/change any needed function, crypto-currency, security future, design, etc. Escrow is welcomed -Futures list- - Smart escrow system with listing auto finalization based on postage options - Friendly design with fast loading CSS - Captcha images containing main market URL ( to prevent phishing ) - can be setup/changed from admin settings - PIN for withdrawals - Security Mnemonic upon registration - 2Factor authentication based on PGP - Smart deposit & withdraw system  - deposit / withdraw history, Generate new wallet option, wallet auto change each new deposit, wallet auto change each 7 days of no deposit - bitcoin mixer / blender - Secured and detailed admin control over the entire market and its activity - Detailed statistics - Featured listings option ( price configurable by admin/week / month ) - Become a vendor automati